Consultation with Governors

While MERIT is able to meet with central-level partners on a regular basis, it is a rare occasion that local level partners are able to come together. On April 17, 2020, such a meeting took place using a virtual platform to connect the Governors from Tuv, Sukhbaatar, Dornod, the Deputy Governor from Dornod and the Chief of Staff from Dundgobi met with MERIT staff and a representative from the Embassy of Canada. They discussed the progress and accomplishments outlined in MERIT’s draft annual report and confirmed priorities for the work plan.
Attendees suggested several key points, including the increased use of virtual assignments, strengthening the leadership skills of local government at all levels, and providing technical assistance on results-oriented policy planning.
In addition, partners emphasized MERIT’s flexible and innovative approach to moving forward with project activities in light of recent events by shifting to virtual assignments.

MERIT gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada.
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