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We collaborate with businesses, governments and community organizations in 30 countries around the world to strengthen knowledge and accelerate locally driven solutions for inclusive and sustainable growth.


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Our more than 1,500 Catalyste+ Advisors have extensive expertise in a variety of sectors and functional disciplines in order to provide the advice you need to unlock solutions and achieve your goals.

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Business Development

Business Analysis

Catalyste+’s Business Analysis service helps you to analyze all aspects of your business spanning areas such as business administration, finance, information technology, risk management, sales and marketing, etc.

Support is available in such areas as:

The evaluation of a company's internal and external environment.

Formulating a situational analysis

The evaluation of an organization by identifying symptoms of existing problems.

Guiding a business diagnostic

The analysis on a company's performance that can be used to identify the current reality and opportunities for growth.

Overseeing a business assessment

The process of identifying an enterprise's needs and goals while implementing strategies to achieve them.

Conducting an enterprise analysis

A documented strategy that sets out a business’ future objectives and strategies for achieving them.

Drafting a business plan

Business Planning

Catalyste+’s Business Planning service helps partners to draft or refine their business plans to maintain or expand their business, which may involve securing additional funding.

Support is available in such areas as:

A documented strategy that sets out a business’ future objectives and strategies for achieving them.

Drafting a business plan

An activity that consists of comparing your business practises and metrics to the best in the industry.

Facilitating competitive benchmarking

A planned set of marketing activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Creating a marketing plan

The process of collecting information about particular resources that can satisfy a need/want.

Conducting a resource assessment

A plan set in place to outline the direction for success of a business' product pricing.

Formulating a pricing strategy

A regular process for updating the business plan of an organization according to internal and external information.

Reviewing a business plan

An action plan to attract prospects and transform them into customers through tactics relating to the 4Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.

Refining a marketing strategy

The organization of a planned set of financial activities and goals that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing a financial plan


Catalyste+’s E-commerce service provides you with support in the integration of online platforms, such as a website, to sell products and services. You can receive advice on best practices for conducting business on these platforms and achieving greater sales.

A Digital Marketing Advisor can work with you to understand the evolving e-commerce landscape and how to incorporate it into your business model. This includes the integration of mobile applications and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Additionally, the Advisor can also assist you with measuring the effectiveness of your E-commerce strategy through analyzing your Return On Investment (ROI).

Support is available in such areas as:

The creation or updating of a website, specifically its back-end, for commercial or informational use.

Developing a website

The organization of a planned set of e-commerce activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing an e-commerce plan

A plan outlining an organization's e-commerce objectives and how to hope to achieve them.

Developing an e-commerce strategy

The organization of a planned set of digital marketing activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing digital marketing plans

A set of planned activities that use digital channels, such as social media, to deliver persuasive product information to target customers.

Developing digital marketing strategies

The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a website by ensuring the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

Implementing search engine optimization (SEO)


Catalyste+’s Entrepreneurship service helps partners who are entrepreneurs and small business owners in the early stages of their business.

Support is available in such areas as:

The organization of a planned set of communications activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing a communications plan

A group of individuals who make decisions about a specific department or project.

Building leadership capacity

A documented strategy that sets out a business’ future objectives and strategies for achieving them.

Drafting a business plan

The organization of fundraising strategies meant to be implemented over a determined length of time.

Developing a fundraising plan

The evaluation of potential risks followed by the coordination of events to mitigate them.

Formulating a risk management plan

Farm Animal Product Management

Catalyste+’s Farm Animal Product Management service provides support to livestock producers. This includes managing farms animals and training workers on best practises involved in production.

A Farm Animal Product Management Advisor can provide you with techniques to improve quality of animal products such as milk, cheese, eggs, and meat. Training can also be provided to workers on handling equipment and systems. The Advisor can also identify opportunities for business and market development as it relates to animal products.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of developing a new product from ideation and research to sourcing and prototyping.

Advising on product/service development

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The characteristics of a product that satisfy the needs and wants of targeted customers.

Improving product quality

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

The set of activities associated with ensuring that animals remain safe and healthy during farming and livestock processes.

Managing animal health

The hands-on development or improvement of skills related to farming activities.

Farmer training

A group of machines needed to complete a project.


Forestry Management

Catalyste+’s Forestry Management service provides assistance to organizations in the forestry sector by identifying business development opportunities.

The Forestry Management Advisor can aid clients with expanding production, business evaluations, and strategic plans. The Advisor can also assist you in all aspects of forestry management, including assessing harvesting technology and suggesting conservation techniques.

Support is available in such areas as:

The organization of actionable goals meant to be implemented over a determined length of time.

Developing a strategic plan

The evaluation of an organization by identifying symptoms of existing problems.

Guiding a business diagnostic

A strategy in place to plant new trees in order to replenish forests for sustainability.

Forest renewal plan

General Business Development

Catalyste+’s General Business Development service provides partners with support to grow their business through the development and introduction of new products and services and/or entry into new markets.

Support is available in such areas as:

An organization’s process of defining its strategy and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.

Facilitating strategic planning

The organization of actionable goals meant to be implemented over a determined length of time.

Developing a strategic plan

A documented strategy that sets out a business’ future objectives and strategies for achieving them.

Drafting a business plan

The analysis of a proposed project or system and its practicality considering internal resources (eg. finances) and external factors (eg. economy).

Conducting feasibility assessments/studies

A process that identifies the needs of an organization in order for it to progress from its current conditions to strengthened ones.

Compiling a needs assessment

The process of persuading an individual or group to take action through a written document.

Assisting with proposal writing

The process of developing a new product from ideation and research to sourcing and prototyping.

Advising on product/service development

The process of improving a specified area of a business or overall organizational functioning.

Building capacity

A proposed set of actions needed to accomplish a specific goal.

Creating action plans

International Trade

Catalyste+’s International Trade service helps partners identify foreign market opportunities and develop strategies and tactics to capitalize on them.

Support is available in such areas as:

A good or service that is sold and transported to a foreign country where it is not produced.

Developing an export strategy

A good or service that is bought and transported to a foreign country where it is not produced.

Formulating an import strategy

The analysis of available opportunities and existing threats in a foreign market.

Conducting foreign market assessments

The laws associated with trading goods and services between two or more countries.

Assessing trade regulations

An agreement on tariffs, taxes and trade between two or more countries.

Navigating trade agreements

The examination of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats surrounding a business.

Conducting SWOT analyses

Local Development

Catalyste+’s Local Development service helps partners to grow their local community’s economy.

Support is available in such areas as:

A documented strategy that refers to the land use, housing, utilities, and transportation needs of community members.

Developing a community plan

Identifying areas for economic growth in a specific market.

Conducting an opportunity assessment

A documented strategy that sets out a business’ future objectives and strategies for achieving them.

Drafting a business plan

A request meant to persuade a potential investor to provide funds in order to execute a project.

Preparing funding applications

A request for funds from a specific organization or agency, usually in the form of a written document.

Writing grant proposals

A financial plan that lists expected expenses and income during a particular period.

Supporting budget creation and management

The process of planning, organizing, and overseeing a specific project to ensure goals are met, as well as activities are within scope and budget.

Providing project management assistance

The process of improving a specified area of a business or overall organizational functioning.

Building capacity

Real Estate Development

Catalyste+’s Real Estate Development service helps partners with residential and/or commercial land development.

Support is available in such areas as:

A strategy for regulating the use of land for a specific geographical area.

Developing a land use plan

The analysis of a proposed project or system and its practicality considering internal resources (eg. finances) and external factors (eg. economy).

Conducting feasibility assessments/studies

An application seeking approval for a specific property development project.

Writing property development proposals

A plan outlining actions to increase interaction and build stronger relationships with business partners.

Formulating a partner engagement strategy

An analysis of an existing land lease agreement to ensure it meets legal requirements and is accurate.

Conducting a land lease agreement review

A range of legally binding agreements. This may include the following: Sale of Business Agreement, Options Contract etc.

Negotiating contracts

The process of persuading an individual or group to take action through a written document.

Assisting with proposal writing

The process of planning, organizing, and overseeing a specific project to ensure goals are met, as well as activities are within scope and budget.

Providing project management assistance

Social Enterprise Development

Catalyste+’s Social Enterprise Development service helps partners develop or grow social enterprises to make positive social and economic community impacts.

Support is available in such areas as:

The organization of actionable goals meant to be implemented over a determined length of time.

Developing a strategic plan

A strategy for corporations to include social and environmental concerns into their business practises.

Developing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan

An organization designed with the goal to make a positive social impact.

Establishing a social enterprise

The assessment of policies and proposals to evaluate nature, effectiveness, and consistency.

Conducting policy and proposal reviews

An organization’s process of defining its strategy and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.

Facilitating strategic planning

Textiles and Clothing Products

Catalyste+’s Textiles and Clothing Products service seeks to support you with refining the production process of textiles to improve product quality. Catalyste can work with you to refine the production process for products such as blankets, clothing, rugs, fabric, woven products and footwear..

A Catalyste Production Advisor who specializes in textiles and clothing can support you throughout the production process from sourcing materials to labelling products. As an experienced professional in manufacturing, the Advisor can also provide advice on textiles production techniques and host clothing recycling workshops for a sustainable production process.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of finding quality raw materials that are also affordable.

Assisting with materials sourcing

The process of improving a specified area of a business or overall organizational functioning.

Building capacity

An informational session on a sub-category of textile recycling where the focus is on recovering clothing pieces for materials.

Conducting clothing recycling workshop

An informational session comprised of training and coaching in sewing techniques and tools.

Conducting sewing workshops

The characteristics of a product that satisfy the needs and wants of targeted customers.

Improving product quality

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

A set of methods commonly used for clothing, fashion, and textile products.

Instructing on clothing, fashion design, and textile techniques

Guided development of skills for tailoring clothing pieces (eg. jackets, pants) through cutting, sewing, and making styled patterns.

Providing sewing and styling training


Accounting and Auditing

Catalyste+’s Accounting and Auditing service helps partners to improve the recording and maintenance of financial transactions, as well as to create and evaluate financial statements.

Support is available in such areas as:

The understanding of how to control and maintain a business' assets and liabilities.

Improving the organization's financial management

The recording of day-to-day business-related financial transactions.

Providing bookkeeping training

An objective review and evaluation of an organization's financial statements to ensure accuracy.

Supporting and developing financial audits

A financial plan that lists expected expenses and income during a particular period.

Supporting budget creation and management

A group of individuals who work together to guide and provide oversight of the accounting and auditing process, as well as ensure financial reporting meets internal controls and external standards.

Organizing finance and audit committees

Finance Training and Leadership

Catalyste+’s Finance Training and Leadership service provides you with focused support accessing the best practises of leadership that contribute to creating an efficient and positive work environment. This includes providing training sessions to management staff in day-to-day financial operations.

A Catalyste Finance Training and Leadership Advisor can support you by assessing your current operations and recommending ways to improve your leadership skills. This can be done through financial planning, financial reporting and financial administration.

Support is available in such areas as:

The understanding of how to control and maintain a business' assets and liabilities.

Improving the organization's financial management

Guided development of necessary skills and knowledge to apply and enforce an organization's financial rules and standards.

Providing financial policies and procedures training

An information session addressing a specified, pre-determined topic.

educational workshop

An information session addressing financial management such as how to control and maintain a business' assets and liabilities.

financial education

A set of internal guidelines and regulations for controlling and maintaining a business' assets and liabilities.

Financial management procedures

Determining an organization's short- and long-term financial goals, as well as activities to achieve it.

financial planning

Financial Policy and Procedures

Catalyste+’s Financial Policy and Procedures service helps partners develop and maintain their financial policies and procedures to help better manage their financial resources.

Support is available in such areas as:

A set of rules and standards applicable to an organization's finances.

Developing financial policies and procedures

Guided development of necessary skills and knowledge to apply and enforce an organization's financial rules and standards.

Providing financial policies and procedures training

An objective review and evaluation of an organization's financial statements to ensure accuracy.

Supporting and developing financial audits

An organizational structure used by businesses for financial management processes such as creating, storing, and reporting financial transactions.

Supporting financial management systems

Financial Products and Services

Catalyste+’s Financial Products and Services service aims to work with banks and micro-financial institutions with product and service expansion.

As a client with Catalyste, you can work with a Financial Products and Services Advisor can support clients in analyzing customer needs, local competition, and the feasibility of service expansion. This service also includes assistance with developing product launch guides.

Support is available in such areas as:

The analysis of a proposed project or system and its practicality considering internal resources (eg. finances) and external factors (eg. economy).

Conducting feasibility assessments/studies

Establishing a strategy to increase repeat customers, thus increasing the profitability of those customers.

customer retention

Ensuring that services are easily expanded by uncovering the strengths and weaknesses of an existing service.

feasibility of service expansion

Funding and Resource Development

Catalyste+’s Funding and Resource Development service helps partners identify funding sources and formulate strategies and tactics to capitalize on them.

Support is available in such areas as:

The organization of fundraising strategies meant to be implemented over a determined length of time.

Developing a fundraising plan

A request meant to persuade a potential investor to provide funds in order to execute a project.

Preparing funding applications

An organized series of events taking place over a predetermined amount of time, meant to raise awareness for a business's mission and goals.

Supporting fundraising campaigns

A request for funds from a specific organization or agency, usually in the form of a written document.

Writing grant proposals

General Financial

Catalyste+’s General Financial service helps partners improve their financial management across a broad range of planning and operational activities.

Support is available in such areas as:

The understanding of how to control and maintain a business' assets and liabilities.

Improving the organization's financial management

The organization of a planned set of financial activities and goals that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing a financial plan

A financial plan that lists expected expenses and income during a particular period.

Supporting budget creation and management

An assessment of a business' financial records to ensure alignment with accounting principles, regulations, and business goals.

Conducting financial reviews

General Management Training and Leadership

Catalyste+’s General Management service provides you with focused support on general management strategy. Catalyste+ understands the areas of difficulty faced such as understanding how to effectively manage your roles and responsibilities.

The General Management Training and Leadership Advisor can work with you to provide either one-on-one or small group support. The Advisor can also support you on best practices for all aspects of leadership that contribute to an efficient and positive environment.

Support is available in such areas as:

Focuses on improving an individual’s skills as a leader and manager.

Conducting management training

Supporting via leadership training in a one-on-one or small group setting.

Providing focused leadership support

The process of expanding the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles.

Providing leadership training

Insurance Brokering

Catalyste+’s Insurance Brokering service helps partners understand insurance brokerage practices to offer such services or deal with insurance providers.

Support is available in such areas as:

The evaluation of potential risks followed by the coordination of events to mitigate them.

Formulating a risk management plan

The organization of a planned set of activities to acquire insurance that a business strives to undertake for risk management.

Developing an insurance business plan

A set of record keeping requirements that apply to financial entities or a set of practices recommended for maintaining insurance records.

Developing and insurance records management system

A set of activities performed by an insurance broker of whom acts as an intermediary between insurance companies and customers.

Improving insurance brokerage practices

Insurance accessible by farmers to manage risk against loss or damage to their crops as a result of natural hazards.

Assessing crop insurance

Internal Control

Catalyste+’s Internal Control service provides you with focused support in achieving your financial objectives and managing financial risks. Catalyste will assist you in ensuring that all financial reporting is in compliance with local laws, regulations and policies.

An Internal Control Advisor can support you with operational efficiency, making financial reporting decisions, and protect organizational resources. Depending on your needs, the Advisor can also contribute to defining financial objectives and setting benchmarks for efficiency and effectiveness

Support is available in such areas as:

The assessment of policies and proposals to evaluate nature, effectiveness, and consistency.

Conducting policy and proposal reviews

A set of rules and standards applicable to an organization's finances.

Developing financial policies and procedures

An activity that consists of comparing your business practises and metrics to the best in the industry.

Facilitating competitive benchmarking

The evaluation of potential risks followed by the coordination of events to mitigate them.

Formulating a risk management plan

A range of legally binding instruments. This may include the following: Affidavit, Articles of Incorporation, Mechanic's Lien, Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Preparing and reviewing legal documents

An objective review and evaluation of an organization's financial statements to ensure accuracy.

Supporting and developing financial audits

A set of internal guidelines and regulations for controlling and maintaining a business' assets and liabilities.

Financial management procedures

The operational steps for evaluating the potential risks involved in achieving financial objectives.

Risk management process and internal control


Catalyste+’s Microfinance service aims to work with microfinance institutions to strengthen your capacity to ensure sustainable growth.

A Microfinance Advisor can support you in developing new programs and products by examining the needs of customers/clients. Additionally, the Advisor can focus on the client in developing a business plan, assessing administrative practices and equipment, and locate financial resources.

Support is available in such areas as:

Formal rules that foresee management decision-making.

Developing administrative practices

A documented strategy that sets out a business’ future objectives and strategies for achieving them.

Drafting a business plan

The spending available for a business, including funding and assets.

Financial resources

Municipal Budgeting

Catalyste+’s Municipal Budgeting service guides local government bodies with financial management and public sector budgeting. Catalyste can contribute to the prioritizing of community projects based on the anticipated local budget.

A Municipal Budgeting Advisor can support on all aspects of public finance, including developing a proposed revenue and spending plan for the financial year. During the partnership, you can also work closely with the Advisor to assess taxation practices. Depending on your needs, the Advisor can work with you to address unique municipal needs and financial concerns.

Support is available in such areas as:

The organization of a planned set of financial activities and goals that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing a financial plan

The organization of fundraising strategies meant to be implemented over a determined length of time.

Developing a fundraising plan

A request meant to persuade a potential investor to provide funds in order to execute a project.

Preparing funding applications

The process of planning, organizing, and overseeing a specific project to ensure goals are met, as well as activities are within scope and budget.

Providing project management assistance

A financial plan that lists expected expenses and income during a particular period.

Supporting budget creation and management

Receiving assistance with activities related to fundraising such as campaigns, proposals and applications.

Fundraising support

Savings Management

Catalyste+’s Savings Management service supports you with creating savings goals and developing a savings plan. Catalyste recognizes that our clients often face challenges in establishing savings routes such as investment funding or savings bonds.

A Catalyste Savings Management Advisor can assist you in a number of savings initiatives including an employee savings plan or a business savings account. The Advisor can work with you to understand your investment funding needs and act accordingly. Additionally, the Advisor can also support financial institutions by assessing savings policies and developing new savings products and services.

Support is available in such areas as:

The assessment of policies and proposals to evaluate nature, effectiveness, and consistency.

Conducting policy and proposal reviews

A set of rules and standards applicable to an organization's finances.

Developing financial policies and procedures

A request meant to persuade a potential investor to provide funds in order to execute a project.

Preparing funding applications

A financial account that holds funds on behalf of a commercial enterprise.

business savings account

A type of investment account that contributes a portion of an employee's wages towards a long-term savings goal.

employee savings plan (ESP)

A type of investment account where an individual can contribute a select amount of funds to achieve a savings goal.

Savings plan (general)


Catalyste+’s Taxation service provides support with taxation best practices in areas such as compliance control, taxpayer service, tax collection, and revenue source control.

As a client, you can work with a Taxation Advisor that can help analyze tax measures, propose tax reform measure programs, or complete corporate income tax packages. Alternatively, the Advisor can work with clients in the private sector to complete corporate income tax packages.

Support is available in such areas as:

Policies and guidelines are put in place to guide members of the organization to abide by laws and regulations.

Compliance control

A review of a business' revenue generation through analyzing each product's sales revenue.

Revenue analysis

The collection of taxes.

Tax collection

Programs put in place to change the ways taxes are collected; usually to improve the economy and reduce inequality.

Tax reform measure programs

General Management

Administration Support

Catalyste+’s Administration Support service helps partners organize and manage their organization’s affairs.

Support is available in such areas as:

Formal rules that foresee management decision-making.

Developing administrative practices

A framework describing how individuals in authoritative roles are held accountable to stakeholders.

Creating administrative/governance models


Catalyste+’s Aquafarming service provides you with focused support in developing relevant best practices for aquafarming aquatic plants and fish. Catalyste recognizes the potential impact that aqua farming organizations have on the food sector and in economic development.

An Aquaculture Business and Production Advisor can support you in all aspects of aquaculture business planning, management and development. This includes fish breeding and production, health and quality control, farming techniques, and aquaponics. Depending on the species of fish or plant that you work with, Catalyste can support you through an Advisor that specializes in that field.

Support is available in such areas as:

The practices for health and sanitation that meet a business' goals for high quality.

Adhering to health and sanitation standards

The process of ensuring a product is meeting a user's quality expectations.

Implementing quality control systems

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

Type of farming that preserves natural resources and takes into account the well-being of animals using environmental practices.

Introducing organic farming practices

The set of activities associated with ensuring that animals remain safe and healthy during farming and livestock processes.

Managing animal health

A planned set of activities for breeding animals or plants.

Breeding program

The hands-on development or improvement of skills related to farming activities.

Farmer training

The process of mating health aquatic animals to produce profitable young.

Fish breeding

Beekeeping and Apiary Management

Catalyste+’s Beekeeping and Apiary Management service provides you with focused support in developing relevant best practices for beekeeping and apiculture management. Catalyste recognizes the role that beekeeping plays in the functioning of a successful ecosystem through pollination.

A Catalyste Apiculture Business and Production Advisor can support you in all aspects of your apiculture business. This includes queen rearing, honey and wax processing, pest control, and division of colonies. The Advisor will work closely with you on developing bee products made from honey and wax. Depending on your needs, Catalyste can support you by assessing a municipal or regional beekeeping project or one that spans multiple locations.

Support is available in such areas as:

Regulation and/or management of various species that affect human activity such as agriculture.

Advising on pest control

The process of developing a new product from ideation and research to sourcing and prototyping.

Advising on product/service development

Dividing bee frames into separate colonies in order to strengthen it or sell it.

bee colony division

A plan for maintaining bee colonies in order to produce honey and wax products.

beekeeping project

Harvesting honey and wax from combs in order to produce products.

honey and wax processing

The process of raising queen bees from the larvae created by young worker bees.

queen rearing

Board Governance

Catalyste+’s Board Governance service helps partners design and manage governance policies, as well as their associated Boards and Committees.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of developing a strong understanding of an organization's board/committee structure, operations, and responsibilities.

Providing board governance training

The responsibilities of board/committee members such as overseeing the organization and addressing conflicts of interest.

Defining board/committee roles

The process of recruiting individuals, often independent directors, to jointly oversee organizational accountability and facilitate decision-making.

Developing a board/committee member recruitment and selection process

The process of integrating new members onto an organization's board/committee.

Supporting board/committee member onboarding

Change Management

Catalyste+’s Change Management service helps partners adapt to changing conditions through support of the associated business processes, technology, and/or organizational systems.

Support is available in such areas as:

The organization of a planned set of activities used to coordinate change-related efforts that a business hopes to accomplish.

Formulating a change management plan

The methods in which a business describes and implements change within its external and internal processes.

Developing a change management framework

A set of criteria that organizational change-based efforts are evaluated against to determine effectiveness of implementation.

Creating and monitoring change management metrics

The process of expanding the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles.

Providing leadership training

Construction Management

Catalyste+’s Construction Management service helps partners in a broad range of residential, commercial, or institutional construction projects.

Support is available in such areas as:

A plan set in place to outline the direction for success of a particular project.

Formulating a project strategy

The organization of a planned set of activities relating to a specific project that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing a project plan

An inspection of the proposed area for a construction project to determine whether it is suitable.

Conducting site surveys

The process of planning, organizing, and overseeing a specific project to ensure goals are met, as well as activities are within scope and budget.

Providing project management assistance

The process of developing a strong understanding of how to plan, organize, and oversee a specific project to ensure goals are met, as well as activities are within scope and budget.

Providing project management training

An approximation of the total financial cost of work required for a project.

Developing cost estimates

Emergency Management

Catalyste+’s Emergency Management service helps partners plan emergency preparedness and response.

Support is available in such areas as:

The evaluation of potential risks followed by the coordination of events to mitigate them.

Formulating a risk management plan

The process of handling resources and responsibilities in the case of a foreseeable natural or man-made disaster.

Implementing a disaster management plan

A strategy put in place through policies and procedures to recover from a natural or man-made disaster.

Developing a disaster recovery plan

A set of procedures used to respond and recover from a sudden or unexpected situation that could cause harm.

Creating an emergency plan

A plan of action set in place in case of a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or the environment.

Drafting emergency procedures

A plan of action set in place for the need to evacuate a specific area that may cause harm to individuals.

Developing evacuation procedures

A strategy set in place for living with and recovering from the economic impacts of COVID-19.

Developing a COVID-19 reslience and recovery plan

General Management Training and Leadership

Catalyste+’s General Management service provides you with focused support on general management strategy. Catalyste+ understands the areas of difficulty faced such as understanding how to effectively manage your roles and responsibilities.

The General Management Training and Leadership Advisor can work with you to provide either one-on-one or small group support. The Advisor can also support you on best practices for all aspects of leadership that contribute to an efficient and positive environment.

Support is available in such areas as:

Focuses on improving an individual’s skills as a leader and manager.

Conducting management training

Supporting via leadership training in a one-on-one or small group setting.

Providing focused leadership support

The process of expanding the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles.

Providing leadership training

Land Use Planning

Catalyste+’s Land Use Planning service helps partners develop or critique land use plans and assist in related reviews and negotiations.

Support is available in such areas as:

A strategy for regulating the use of land for a specific geographical area.

Developing a land use plan

The analysis of a proposed project or system and its practicality considering internal resources (eg. finances) and external factors (eg. economy).

Conducting feasibility assessments/studies

Assisting with the action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid in communities.

Assisting with community ratification

The examination of a draft Land Code to ensure community needs are being incorporated.

Supporting land code reviews

Local Governance

Catalyste+’s Local Governance service helps partners who are community leaders to develop or enhance their governance skills.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of developing strong leadership through an understanding of roles and responsibilities among stakeholders.

Delivering governance training

The organization of community initiatives meant to engage individuals in business-related causes.

Developing a community engagement strategy

A set of strategies to increase community outreach and participation.

Creating and implementing a community engagement plan

The process of building relationships with government officials and organizations to influence public policy.

Providing government relations support

Monitoring and Evaluation

Catalyste+’s Monitoring and Evaluation service helps partners develop procedures and systems to track and assess activities, processes, or programs using methodologies such as Results-based Management (RBM).

Support is available in such areas as:

A set of standardized processes and methods used for management that integrates strategy, resources, measures, and accountability.

Developing a results-based management (RBM) framework

The process of developing a strong understanding of techniques to track and assess activities, processes, or programs.

Conducting monitoring and evaluation (M&E) training

An evaluation of current performance tracking processes and practices to determine areas of improvement.

Developing or assessing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems

A formal assessment of specific projects, such as programs, to determine areas of improvement.

Conducting a project evaluation

Project Management

Catalyste+’s Project Management service helps partners plan, coordinate and monitor project activities to achieve a defined goal.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of developing a strong understanding of how to plan, organize, and oversee a specific project to ensure goals are met, as well as activities are within scope and budget.

Providing project management training

A plan set in place to outline the direction for success of a particular project.

Formulating a project strategy

A set of standardized processes and methods used for project management.

Creating a project management framework

The organization of a planned set of activities relating to a specific project that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing a project plan

Strategic Planning

Catalyste+’s Strategic Planning service helps partners facilitate strategic planning processes as well as develop strategic plans.

Support is available in such areas as:

A process that identifies the needs of an organization in order for it to progress from its current conditions to strengthened ones.

Compiling a needs assessment

A process that looks to collect, analyze and report an organization in order for it to grow and strengthen.

Conducting an organizational review

The organization of actionable goals meant to be implemented over a determined length of time.

Developing a strategic plan

Sustainable Tourism

Catalyste+’s Sustainable Tourism service helps partners in the development and management of sustainable tourism practises and destinations.

Support is available in such areas as:

Providing education to organizations and individuals on sustainable practices within the tourism industry.

Conducting sustainable tourism training

A plan that integrates the economic, social, and environmental objectives of society in order to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Creating a sustainable development plan

A planned set of tourism-related activities with the goal of increasing visits to farms or ranches.

Developing agri-tourism plans

The organization of a planned set of tourism-related activities with the goal of preserving the natural environment.

Developing an eco-tourism plan

Technical Writing

Catalyste+’s Technical Writing service helps partners develop their technical writing skills which include communicating technical information in an effective and efficient manner that balances detail with clarity.

Support is available in such areas as:

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to a business.

Conducting staff training

An organizational structure for file management and storage.

Developing a file management system

The selection of how to present document elements and content to communicate the desired message clearly and effectively.

Assisting with document design

The communication of technical information in a simplified visual way.

Assisting with diagram design

Human Resources

Gender Equality

Catalyste+’s Gender Equality service helps partners support gender equality and women’s economic empowerment through policy, governance, planning and operations.

Support is available in such areas as:

Lessons on the concept of gender, how different genders have varying perspectives, and the critical need to close the gap between genders to support equality.

Providing gender sensitivity training

The evaluation of gender equality in all aspects of an organization including workforce, policies, projects and structures.

Conducting a gender audit

A statement, in the form of guidelines, used to help direct a company towards gender equality in the workplace.

Developing gender equality policy

Conducting regular business-related activities with a focus on implementing gender perspectives and gender equality.

Implementing gender mainstreaming policy

General Human Resources

Catalyste+’s General Human Resources (HR) service helps partners across a broad range of HR activities such as organizational design, compensation management, succession planning, etc., and all aspects related to hiring, retaining, and engaging employees.

Support is available in such areas as:

The strategic organization and management of individuals within a business setting to increase productivity.

Providing human resources management (HRM) training

The organization of a business' human resources department and workforce in order to increase efficiency.

Defining an HR structure

A formal assessment of a business' workforce structure

Conducting an organizational HR review

The organization of a planned hiring strategy that a business strives to apply.

Developing a recruitment plan

A set of documents describing employees' compensation structure details including wages, salaries, bonuses, and incentives.

Developing a compensation and benefits plan

Performance Management

Catalyste+’s Performance Management service helps partners design and implement performance management systems to help maximize employee, engagement, output and retainment.

Support is available in such areas as:

The organization of a planned set of staff performance management activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing a performance management plan

An organizational structure used for performance management such as determining performance expectations, goals, and measures/metrics.

Developing a performance management system

A set of criteria that staff performance is evaluated against, which are outlined in an organization's performance management system.

Defining performance management metrics

A formal assessment of specific roles to determine areas of improvement.

Conducting performance evaluations

Recruitment and Selection

Catalyste+’s Recruitment and Selection service helps partners develop and implement policies, processes and practices to attract and choose the best talent for your organizational needs.

Support is available in such areas as:

The organization of a planned hiring strategy that a business strives to apply.

Developing a recruitment plan

A set of measurements used to track and evaluate the success of the hiring process.

Defining recruitment metrics

A written document detailing the responsibilities and tasks that a job may encompass.

Developing job descriptions

A sample document demonstrating the basic format for a job posting.

Creating a job posting template

A sample document that can be filled out when interviewing job candidates.

Developing a interview template

Training and Leadership Development

Catalyste+’s Training and Leadership Development service helps partners develop and deliver instructional and mentorship programs to build skills and leadership capacity.

Support is available in such areas as:

The strategic organization and management of individuals within a business setting to increase productivity.

Providing human resources management (HRM) training

The process of expanding the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles.

Providing leadership training

Information Technology


Catalyste+’s E-commerce service provides you with support in the integration of online platforms, such as a website, to sell products and services. You can receive advice on best practices for conducting business on these platforms and achieving greater sales.

A Digital Marketing Advisor can work with you to understand the evolving e-commerce landscape and how to incorporate it into your business model. This includes the integration of mobile applications and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Additionally, the Advisor can also assist you with measuring the effectiveness of your E-commerce strategy through analyzing your Return On Investment (ROI).

Support is available in such areas as:

The creation or updating of a website, specifically its back-end, for commercial or informational use.

Developing a website

The organization of a planned set of e-commerce activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing an e-commerce plan

A plan outlining an organization's e-commerce objectives and how to hope to achieve them.

Developing an e-commerce strategy

The organization of a planned set of digital marketing activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing digital marketing plans

A set of planned activities that use digital channels, such as social media, to deliver persuasive product information to target customers.

Developing digital marketing strategies

The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a website by ensuring the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

Implementing search engine optimization (SEO)


Catalyste+’s eGovernance service helps partners to define, design, implement and/or procure digital technology to deliver online public services such as e-licensing, e-payment, or e-voting.

Support is available in such areas as:

A process that identifies the needs of an organization in order for it to progress from its current conditions to strengthened ones.

Compiling a needs assessment

The planned direction for organizational efforts involving information technology.

Developing an information systems strategic plan (ISSP)

A set of standardized processes and methods used to guide an organization's electronic activities and offerings, such as e-payment systems.

Developing an electronic framework

Systems implemented to gather data of customers, products, staff, etc. within a facility or organization.

Developing an information management system

General Information Technology

Catalyste+’s General Information Technology service helps partners formulate and implement IT-related strategies which may involve development and/or procurement of systems, platforms and processes.

Support is available in such areas as:

A process that identifies the needs of an organization in order for it to progress from its current conditions to strengthened ones.

Compiling a needs assessment

A plan outlining how technology should be used to meet IT and business goals.

Creating an IT strategy

The planned direction for organizational efforts involving information technology.

Developing an information systems strategic plan (ISSP)

A set of rules and standards applicable to an organization's information technology.

Developing IT policies and procedures

A plan outlining the overall goals and direction for success of an IT-related project.

Formulating an IT project strategy

An organizational structure used by businesses for data management such as collection, storage, and processing.

Developing an information system

Systems implemented to gather data of customers, products, staff, etc. within a facility or organization.

Developing an information management system

A set of activities that a business undertakes to oversee, store, and use data.

Supporting database management

Web Development

Catalyste+’s Web Development service helps partners define, design, and deliver web sites for internal or external use and to measure and optimize their effectiveness.

Support is available in such areas as:

The aesthetic look of a website on the user end.

Designing a website

The activities conducted by a web developer focusing on making a website function in order to increase the quality of a user's experience.

Defining the user experience (UX)

The creation or updating of a website, specifically its back-end, for commercial or informational use.

Developing a website

The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a website by ensuring the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

Implementing search engine optimization (SEO)

A product by Google that allows businesses to publish ads on Google's search results page through a pay-per-click system.

Implementing Google adwords

A website for businesses to sell goods and services online to consumers.

Developing an e-commerce website



Catalyste+’s Branding service helps partners develop and implement a strong, cohesive brand for your organization or its product or service.

Support is available in such areas as:

A planned set of marketing activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Creating a marketing plan

The organization of marketing tools and techniques used to increase the awareness and perception of a brand.

Developing a brand strategy

A set of symbols, taglines, and names that allow customers to identify a brand/business.

Creating a brand identity

Business Planning

Catalyste+’s Business Planning service helps partners to draft or refine their business plans to maintain or expand their business, which may involve securing additional funding.

Support is available in such areas as:

A documented strategy that sets out a business’ future objectives and strategies for achieving them.

Drafting a business plan

An activity that consists of comparing your business practises and metrics to the best in the industry.

Facilitating competitive benchmarking

A planned set of marketing activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Creating a marketing plan

The process of collecting information about particular resources that can satisfy a need/want.

Conducting a resource assessment

A plan set in place to outline the direction for success of a business' product pricing.

Formulating a pricing strategy

A regular process for updating the business plan of an organization according to internal and external information.

Reviewing a business plan

An action plan to attract prospects and transform them into customers through tactics relating to the 4Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.

Refining a marketing strategy

The organization of a planned set of financial activities and goals that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing a financial plan

Coffee Marketing

Catalyste+’s Coffee Marketing service supports you in developing a sales and marketing strategy for coffee products. Based on your local condition, a sustainable marketing plan can be created to ensure that you meet your defined sales goals.

A Catalyste Coffee Marketing Advisor can support you throughout the marketing process including the improvement of quality and production of coffee products. Additionally, the Advisor can assist you with entering into the international coffee market to expand your business.

Support is available in such areas as:

Analysis of available opportunities and existing threats in a market.

Conducting market assessments

A planned set of marketing activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Creating a marketing plan

Displaying a label in a product containing information about the product.

Designing product labelling

The materials involved in keeping a product safe for distribution and sale.

Designing product packaging

A strategy put in place to develop the tourism sector and attract more tourists to a given area by developing private-public partnerships, ensuring responsible/sustainable development etc.

Drafting a tourism development plan

The characteristics of a product that satisfy the needs and wants of targeted customers.

Improving product quality

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

An action plan to attract prospects and transform them into customers through tactics relating to the 4Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.

Refining a marketing strategy

An action plan to identify sales leads and prospects with tactics to transform them into customers.

Sales strategy

Communications Skills

Catalyste+’s Communications Skills service helps partners improve their communications capacity building both written and verbal communications capabilities.

Support is available in such areas as:

A class for individuals to gain or improve their communications skills.

Delivering communications skills workshops

A mechanism for delivering a message towards an external target audience or internal stakeholder.

Assisting with communications tools creation

Mentorship in professional communications including understanding audiences, public speaking, presentation strategies, engagement techniques, and persuasive writing.

Improving public speaking, presentations, and writing skills

The process of communicating an individual's observations for a specific target audience.

Improving report writing skills

Communications Strategy

Catalyste+’s Communications Strategy service helps partners develop targeted communications strategies for internal and external audiences along with an associated implementation plan.

Support is available in such areas as:

An action plan to guide the tone and direction of communications tactics.

Formulating a communications strategy

The management of activities related to building a relationship with media outlets to promote a business or product.

Developing a media relations strategy

The organization of a planned set of communications activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing a communications plan

Outlines how teams and departments should communicate with one another to support the company’s business objectives.

Drafting an internal communications plan

A class for individuals to gain or improve their communications skills.

Delivering communications skills workshops

A mechanism for delivering a message towards an external target audience or internal stakeholder.

Assisting with communications tools creation

Craftwork Marketing

Catalyste+’s Craftwork Marketing service helps partners develop and implement sales and marketing strategies for craftwork products incorporating the importance of local imagery, history, and visual culture.

Support is available in such areas as:

Identifying areas for economic growth in a specific market.

Conducting an opportunity assessment

An action plan to attract prospects and transform them into customers through tactics relating to the 4Ps of marketing: product, price, place, and promotion.

Refining a marketing strategy

A set of actions aligned with a business' marketing plan to generate brand awareness or increase sales.

Implementing promotional programs

Digital Marketing

Catalyste+’s Digital Marketing service helps partners to develop and implement digital marketing strategies and plans which may involve a variety of online tactics such as websites, social media, email campaigns, etc.

Support is available in such areas as:

A set of planned activities that use digital channels, such as social media, to deliver persuasive product information to target customers.

Developing digital marketing strategies

The organization of a planned set of digital marketing activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing digital marketing plans

A set of actions aligned with a business' marketing plan to generate brand awareness or increase sales.

Implementing promotional programs

A strategy by which a business determines which content initiatives to execute and when. 

Creating content development plans

Promotional content that is delivered through digital means such as social media, website ads, or emails.

Developing digital advertising campaigns

A marketing campaign that is customized to run on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Developing social media campaigns

A product by Google that allows businesses to publish ads on Google's search results page through a pay-per-click system.

Implementing Google adwords

The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a website by ensuring the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

Implementing search engine optimization (SEO)


Catalyste+’s E-commerce service provides you with support in the integration of online platforms, such as a website, to sell products and services. You can receive advice on best practices for conducting business on these platforms and achieving greater sales.

A Digital Marketing Advisor can work with you to understand the evolving e-commerce landscape and how to incorporate it into your business model. This includes the integration of mobile applications and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Additionally, the Advisor can also assist you with measuring the effectiveness of your E-commerce strategy through analyzing your Return On Investment (ROI).

Support is available in such areas as:

The creation or updating of a website, specifically its back-end, for commercial or informational use.

Developing a website

The organization of a planned set of e-commerce activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing an e-commerce plan

A plan outlining an organization's e-commerce objectives and how to hope to achieve them.

Developing an e-commerce strategy

The organization of a planned set of digital marketing activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Developing digital marketing plans

A set of planned activities that use digital channels, such as social media, to deliver persuasive product information to target customers.

Developing digital marketing strategies

The process of maximizing the number of visitors to a website by ensuring the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine.

Implementing search engine optimization (SEO)

General Marketing

Catalyste+’s General Marketing service helps partners plan and execute across all “Ps” of the marketing mix spanning product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, process and philosophy.

Support is available in such areas as:

Compilation of relevant market and consumer information.

Conducting market research

Analysis of available opportunities and existing threats in a market.

Conducting market assessments

A planned set of marketing activities that a business hopes to accomplish.

Creating a marketing plan

A set of actions aligned with a business' marketing plan to generate brand awareness or increase sales.

Implementing promotional programs

Media/Public Relations (PR)

Catalyste+’s Media/Public Relations (PR) service helps partners develop and meet their promotion objectives through media and public engagement.

Support is available in such areas as:

The management of activities related to building a relationship with media outlets to promote a business or product.

Developing a media relations strategy

A set of guidelines put in place to handle communications with media outlets.

Developing media relations policies

Providing instructions on how to communicate with media outlets.

Conducting media training

Providing instructions on interview best practises.

Providing interview training


Agricultural Production

Catalyste+’s Agriculture Production service helps partners increase the production and quality of agro-industry products such as vegetables, fruits, and grains.

Support is available in such areas as:

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

A set of activities associated with the growth, development and yield of crops.

Improving crop management

A strategy put in place to increase the amount and quality of crop yields.

Formulating crop yield improvement plans

Assistance with implementing strategies to reduce the risk of crop disease.

Providing crop disease mitigation support

Cultivating raw milk from dairy farmers to use in the production of dairy products such as cheese and butter.

Optimizing dairy processing

The characteristics of a product that satisfy the needs and wants of targeted customers.

Improving product quality

Agriproduct Processing and Packaging

Catalyste+’s Agriproduct Processing and Packaging service helps partners develop or improve their agro-industry product processing, packaging, and labelling, in product areas such as fruit preserves, grain, and dairy.

Support is available in such areas as:

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

The materials involved in keeping a product safe for distribution and sale.

Designing product packaging

Displaying a label in a product containing information about the product.

Designing product labelling

The characteristics of a product that satisfy the needs and wants of targeted customers.

Improving product quality

Bakery Management

Catalyste+’s Bakery Management service helps partners improve the day-to-day operations of bakeries, confectioneries, and pastry shops.

Support is available in such areas as:

A course on learning the skills and activities associated with working in a kitchen.

Conducting kitchen training

The ongoing communication between supervisors and employees to facilitate achievement of an organization's strategic objectives.

Implementing performance management

A set of instructions for creating a plate of food or drink alongside a list of ingredients.

Assisting with recipe development

Common applications of day-to-day pastry operations.

Improving pastry practises

Providing methodologies to improve pastry production.

Improving pastry production

The organization of machinery and equipment.

Assisting with machinery/equipment procurement and management

The process of ensuring a product is meeting a user's quality expectations.

Implementing quality control systems

The characteristics of food that satisfy the needs and wants of consumers.

Improving food quality

The practices for health and sanitation that meet a business' goals for high quality.

Adhering to health and sanitation standards

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to successful restaurant service.

Conducting server training

Catering Training

Catalyste+’s Catering Training service helps partners improve staff’s skills in catering operations.

Support is available in such areas as:

Common applications of day-to-day catering operations.

Advising on catering practises

The process of creating a list of dishes meant to be served during a meal.

Assisting with menu planning

A set of activities that go into preparing for the creation of a meal or food item.

Advising on food preparation processes

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to successful bartending.

Conducting bartender training

A course on learning the skills and activities associated with working in a kitchen.

Conducting kitchen training

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to successful restaurant service.

Conducting server training

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to a business.

Conducting staff training

Providing individuals education on food and beverage related products and services.

Providing food and beverage training


Catalyste+’s Chef/Culinary service helps partners in restaurants or hotels to improve their culinary skills and food production process.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of creating a list of dishes meant to be served during a meal.

Assisting with menu planning

A set of instructions for creating a plate of food or drink alongside a list of ingredients.

Assisting with recipe development

A set of activities that go into preparing for the creation of a meal or food item.

Advising on food preparation processes

The characteristics of food that satisfy the needs and wants of consumers.

Improving food quality

A set of instructions for the management and safety of kitchen staff.

Creating kitchen guidelines and standards

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

The responsibilities of managing day-to-day kitchen activities and staff.

Improving kitchen management

The responsibilities of managing day-to-day restaurant activities and staff.

Improving restaurant management

A course on learning the skills and activities associated with working in a kitchen.

Conducting kitchen training

Craftwork Production

Catalyste+’s Craftwork Production service helps partners further develop their skills in producing handcrafted products with local materials.

Support is available in such areas as:

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

The process of finding quality raw materials that are also affordable.

Assisting with materials sourcing

The process of ensuring a product is meeting a user's quality expectations.

Implementing quality control systems

The characteristics of a product that satisfy the needs and wants of targeted customers.

Improving product quality

Environmental Management

Catalyste+’s Environmental Management service helps partners make their operational processes more environmentally friendly.

Support is available in such areas as:

The management of the impact of human interaction towards the environment.

Improving environmental management

Laws that are created to protect the natural environment.

Advising on environmental law

A system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of spatial and geographic data.

Developing geographic information systems (GIS)

Food and Beverage Production

Catalyste+’s Food and Beverage Production service helps partners in the production of food and beverages which may involve a variety of products such as bottled drinks, canned foods, and meat/dairy items.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of developing a new product from ideation and research to sourcing and prototyping.

Advising on product/service development

The organization of equipment and working stations within a given factory.

Designing factory layout

The organization of machinery and equipment.

Assisting with machinery/equipment procurement and management

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training

The practices for health and sanitation that meet a business' goals for high quality.

Adhering to health and sanitation standards

The characteristics of food that satisfy the needs and wants of consumers.

Improving food quality

The characteristics of a product that satisfy the needs and wants of targeted customers.

Improving product quality

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

Food Packaging

Catalyste+’s Food Packaging service helps partners develop and implement food product labelling and packaging for local, regional, national or international sales as appropriate.

Support is available in such areas as:

The creative process of designing a new product that achieves the wants or needs of target consumers.

Assisting with product design

The materials involved in keeping a product safe for distribution and sale.

Designing product packaging

Displaying a label in a product containing information about the product.

Designing product labelling

Food Safety and Sanitation

Catalyste+’s Food Safety and Sanitation service helps partners improve their food service operational health and sanitation practices.

Support is available in such areas as:

The practices for health and sanitation that meet a business' goals for high quality.

Adhering to health and sanitation standards

The procedures given to staff to ensure a safe and clean work environment.

Developing staff hygiene protocols

Delivering guidelines and standards for occupational health and safety to work staff.

Developing occupational health and safety programs

A set of instructions for the management and safety of kitchen staff.

Creating kitchen guidelines and standards

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to a business.

Conducting staff training

A course on learning the skills and activities associated with working in a kitchen.

Conducting kitchen training

Providing individuals education on food and beverage related products and services.

Providing food and beverage training

A set of activities that go into preparing for the creation of a meal or food item.

Advising on food preparation processes

Greenhouse Management and Operations

Catalyste+’s Greenhouse Management and Operations service helps partners with the production and maintenance of greenhouse crops in areas such as caring for greenhouse plants, harvesting and planting practices, and pest control.

Support is available in such areas as:

Managing the day-to-day business operations of running a greenhouse or nursery that can be used for commercial purposes or food production.

Advising on greenhouse business management

Using plant care methodologies such as using high-quality potting soil that meets the specific criteria of greenhouses.

Improving greenhouse plant care

Regulation and/or management of various species that affect human activity such as agriculture.

Advising on pest control

The management and maintenance of control systems such as humidity and boiler systems.

Implementing environmental control systems management

Inventory Management

Catalyste+’s Inventory Management service helps partners who are wholesale and retail businesses to improve their supply chain and stock management.

Support is available in such areas as:

An examination of current inventory management processes in order to recommend improvements.

Conducting an inventory management review

Maintaining a system for keeping appropriate levels of stock at a given time.

Strengthening inventory controls

A computer system that allows users to track their inventory as it travels throughout the supply chain.

Specifying and procuring inventory management software

A set of practices that allow users to manage their inventory as it travels throughout the supply chain.

Improving an inventory management system

The process of replenishing retail shelves with products.

Improving retail shelf management

Kitchen Management

Catalyste+’s Kitchen Management service helps partners improve their kitchen operations in restaurants, hotels and food service venues.

Support is available in such areas as:

The responsibilities of managing day-to-day kitchen activities and staff.

Improving kitchen management

Providing individuals education on food and beverage related products and services.

Providing food and beverage training

A course on learning the skills and activities associated with working in a kitchen.

Conducting kitchen training

The organization of equipment and working stations within a given kitchen.

Designing kitchen layout

A set of instructions for the management and safety of kitchen staff.

Creating kitchen guidelines and standards

The organization of machinery and equipment.

Assisting with machinery/equipment procurement and management

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training

A set of activities that go into preparing for the creation of a meal or food item.

Advising on food preparation processes

The practices for health and sanitation that meet a business' goals for high quality.

Adhering to health and sanitation standards

The characteristics of food that satisfy the needs and wants of consumers.

Improving food quality

Manufacturing Environment

Catalyste+’s Manufacturing Environment service helps partners with measuring the environmental impact of their manufacturing processes and to develop the associated mitigation strategies.

Support is available in such areas as:

The coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection of water.

Improving water treatment processes

Systems to reduce the waste sent to landfills by recycling natural resources such as timber, water, and minerals.

Improving recycling systems

An initiative for preventing plastic waste by converting it into new materials.

Developing and managing recycling programs

Converting vegetable matter and/or manure into compost

Developing and managing composting programs

The management of emission control systems that limit the discharge of noxious gases inside automobiles.

Managing emission control systems

Quality Assurance

Catalyste+’s Quality Assurance service helps partners develop and implement quality management systems, or improve existing approaches, to meet or exceed the standards of their target market.

Support is available in such areas as:

The characteristics of a product that satisfy the needs and wants of targeted customers.

Improving product quality

The process of ensuring a product is meeting a user's quality expectations.

Implementing quality control systems

The process of overseeing business activities and processes to maintain a desired standard.

Implementing a quality management system

Analyzing business procedures to identify areas that can be refined in accuracy, effectiveness, and/or efficiency.

Implementing business process improvements

A formal designation, such as HAACP or ISO 9001, indicating achievement of specific criteria.

Assistance in achieving business certifications

Restaurant Operations

Catalyste+’s Restaurant operations service helps partners to improve the day-to-day running of their establishment to help ensure it offers a satisfying and profitable dining experience.

Support is available in such areas as:

The responsibilities of managing day-to-day restaurant activities and staff.

Improving restaurant management

Providing individuals education on food and beverage related products and services.

Providing food and beverage training

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to a business.

Conducting staff training

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to successful restaurant service.

Conducting server training

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to successful bartending.

Conducting bartender training

The process of creating a list of dishes meant to be served during a meal.

Assisting with menu planning

A set of activities that go into preparing for the creation of a meal or food item.

Advising on food preparation processes

Retail Management

Catalyste+’s Retail Management service helps partners improve the management of their retail establishment.

Support is available in such areas as:

The evaluation of a business' service offerings based on quality.

Conducting a service quality assessment

Focuses on improving an individual’s skills as a leader and manager.

Conducting management training

The process of expanding the capacity of individuals to perform in leadership roles.

Providing leadership training

The process of identifying and hiring an individual to become an employee.

staff recruitment

The process of maintaining daily operations of running a store/shop.

store management

Retail Operations

Catalyste+’s Retail Operations service helps partners with the day-to-day running of their retail store establishment.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of selecting a group of products for further development.

Advising on product selection

A set of actions aligned with a business' marketing plan to generate brand awareness or increase sales.

Implementing promotional programs

The process of maintaining healthy communications with product/service suppliers.

Assistance with supply chain management

The recording of day-to-day business-related financial transactions.

Providing bookkeeping training

Maintaining a system for keeping appropriate levels of stock at a given time.

Strengthening inventory controls

The assistance or advice provided by a business to those people who buy or use its products/services

Providing customer service training

The evaluation of a business' service offerings based on quality.

Conducting a service quality assessment

Providing hired staff education on the operations related to a business.

Conducting staff training


Catalyste+’s Sustainability service helps partners incorporate sustainability principles into their business practices.

Support is available in such areas as:

A strategy for corporations to include social and environmental concerns into their business practises.

Developing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan

A plan that integrates the economic, social, and environmental objectives of society in order to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Creating a sustainable development plan

The integration of science and technology for the creation of environmentally friendly products.

Integrating green technology

Ensuring resources are managed correctly so their sources are not depleted, and can be used for future generations.

Ensuring sustainable resource management

Textiles and Clothing Products

Catalyste+’s Textiles and Clothing Products service seeks to support you with refining the production process of textiles to improve product quality. Catalyste can work with you to refine the production process for products such as blankets, clothing, rugs, fabric, woven products and footwear..

A Catalyste Production Advisor who specializes in textiles and clothing can support you throughout the production process from sourcing materials to labelling products. As an experienced professional in manufacturing, the Advisor can also provide advice on textiles production techniques and host clothing recycling workshops for a sustainable production process.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of finding quality raw materials that are also affordable.

Assisting with materials sourcing

The process of improving a specified area of a business or overall organizational functioning.

Building capacity

An informational session on a sub-category of textile recycling where the focus is on recovering clothing pieces for materials.

Conducting clothing recycling workshop

An informational session comprised of training and coaching in sewing techniques and tools.

Conducting sewing workshops

The characteristics of a product that satisfy the needs and wants of targeted customers.

Improving product quality

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

A set of methods commonly used for clothing, fashion, and textile products.

Instructing on clothing, fashion design, and textile techniques

Guided development of skills for tailoring clothing pieces (eg. jackets, pants) through cutting, sewing, and making styled patterns.

Providing sewing and styling training


Agricultural Microbiology

Catalyste+’s Agricultural Microbiology Service helps partners with matters related to plant-associated microbes which may include sharing an understanding of the benefits of microorganism production for soil or food products.

Support is available in such areas as:

Conducting research on the benefits of producing microorganisms for soil fertility or food products such as cheese and yogurt.

Conducting microorganism research

The production of bio-inoculants, which are used to combat crop disease

Producing bio-inoculants

The storage of bio-inoculants, which are used to combat crop disease

Storing bio-inoculants

Agricultural Technology

Catalyste+’s Agricultural Technology service helps partners identify, procure and implement agricultural technology to enable higher crop yields, increased production, and improved product quality.

Support is available in such areas as:

The procedures that go into creating a product.

Improving production processes

A plan of action set in place to keep the safety of staff and customers intact.

Implementing safety procedures

The process of ensuring a product is meeting a user's quality expectations.

Implementing quality control systems

Cultivating raw milk from dairy farmers to use in the production of dairy products such as cheese and butter.

Optimizing dairy processing

A set of activities associated with the growth, development and yield of crops.

Improving crop management

An evaluation of machinery/equipment used to determine current areas needing repair and predict future mechanical problems.

Assessing machinery/equipment

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training

Restoring machinery or equipment to its original functionality.

Assisting with machinery repair


Catalyste+’s Architecture service helps partners with structural planning and design.

Support is available in such areas as:

The analysis of a proposed project or system and its practicality considering internal resources (eg. finances) and external factors (eg. economy).

Conducting feasibility assessments/studies

An inspection of the proposed area for a construction project to determine whether it is suitable.

Conducting site surveys

The process of creating a set of plans, sketches, and layouts for an architecture project.

Assisting with architectural design

A set of architectural blueprints explaining a proposed building/structure for construction.

Developing architectural plans

The examination of architectural plans to identify recommendations for improvement.

Reviewing architectural plans

Crop Disease Management

Catalyste+’s Crop Disease Management service helps partners maintain or improve crop health and quality by elimination or mitigating crop disease.

Support is available in such areas as:

A set of activities associated with the growth, development and yield of crops.

Improving crop management

A strategy put in place to increase the amount and quality of crop yields.

Formulating crop yield improvement plans

Assistance with implementing strategies to reduce the risk of crop disease.

Providing crop disease mitigation support

Guided development of necessary skills and knowledge to maintain healthy yields through activities such as pest prevention and sanitization.

Conducting crop health training


Catalyste+’s Entomology service helps partners identify and manage insects that negatively impact crop health and quality.

Support is available in such areas as:

Regulation and/or management of various species that affect human activity such as agriculture.

Advising on pest control

A strategy put in place to increase the amount and quality of crop yields.

Formulating crop yield improvement plans

Assistance with implementing strategies to reduce the risk of crop disease.

Providing crop disease mitigation support

Guided development of necessary skills and knowledge to maintain healthy yields through activities such as pest prevention and sanitization.

Conducting crop health training

General Maintenance and Repair

Catalyste+’s Maintenance and Repair service helps partners to maintain and repair machinery and equipment, such as electric motors and salt production machines, to minimize operational downtime.

Support is available in such areas as:

An evaluation of machinery/equipment used to determine current areas needing repair and predict future mechanical problems.

Assessing machinery/equipment

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training

The process of maintaining a business’ assets and resources while minimizing costs.

Implementing maintenance management systems

A plan to regularly perform machinery/equipment maintenance to minimize failure and downtime.

Developing preventive maintenance schedules

Infrastructure - Roads and Transportation

Catalyste+’s Roads and Transportation Infrastructure service helps partners plan new, or improve existing transportation systems and infrastructure.

Support is available in such areas as:

Evaluating the structure and effectiveness of roads and highway systems and ensuring they are viable for public use.

Evaluating road/highway design

The evaluation of transit systems such as buses, subways, and light rail.

Evaluating public transportation systems

An inspection of the proposed area for a construction project to determine whether it is suitable.

Conducting site surveys

Managing, planning, and purchasing transport services to physically move vehicles.

Improving traffic management

The process of maintaining a business’ assets and resources while minimizing costs.

Implementing maintenance management systems


Catalyste+’s Irrigation service helps partners develop or improve irrigation technology and systems to increase agricultural output.

Support is available in such areas as:

A plan to show the different parts of the irrigation system with water meter size, precipitation rates, flow rate, and operating pressure for the irrigation circuit.

Developing an irrigation plan

A system of hydrologic and hydraulic components that provide water to communities.

Improving a water supply system

An evaluation of machinery/equipment used to determine current areas needing repair and predict future mechanical problems.

Assessing machinery/equipment

The organization of machinery and equipment.

Assisting with machinery/equipment procurement and management

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training

Mining Engineering

Catalyste+’s Mining Engineering service helps partners manage any phase of mining operations, from exploration and discovery of the mineral resources, through feasibility study, mine design, development of plans, production and operations to mine closure.

Support is available in such areas as:

The process of creating a set of plans and layouts for a mining project.

Assisting with mine planning and design

The operational steps required to fulfill the goals of a mining project.

Improving mining processes

Assessing the environmental damage caused by mineral, oil, and gas extraction processes.

Conducting an extraction environmental impact assessment

An evaluation of machinery/equipment used to determine current areas needing repair and predict future mechanical problems.

Assessing machinery/equipment

The organization of machinery and equipment.

Assisting with machinery/equipment procurement and management

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training

Organic Agriculture

Catalyste+’s Organic Agriculture service helps partners to develop and implement organic agricultural strategies and practices, which may involve developing and/or achieving the associated certifications.

Support is available in such areas as:

Type of farming that preserves natural resources and takes into account the well-being of animals using environmental practices.

Introducing organic farming practices

A set of activities associated with the growth, development and yield of crops.

Improving crop management

Regulation and/or management of various species that affect human activity such as agriculture.

Advising on pest control

Guided development of necessary skills and knowledge to maintain healthy yields through activities such as pest prevention and sanitization.

Conducting crop health training

A strategy put in place to increase the amount and quality of crop yields.

Formulating crop yield improvement plans

Principles and Management standards of organic production systems within Canada.

Localizing Canadian organic standards

Renewable Energy - Biomass

Catalyste+’s Renewable Energy – Biomass service helps partners assess, design, procure and implement biomass-based power generation solutions, which may be based on various fuel stocks such as wood, crops, or animal waste.

Support is available in such areas as:

The analysis of a proposed project or system and its practicality considering internal resources (eg. finances) and external factors (eg. economy).

Conducting feasibility assessments/studies

Converting biomass into electrical power through various methods.

Assessing biomass power generation

The creation of biofuel derived from plant, algal, or animal biomass.

Assessing biofuel production

An evaluation of machinery/equipment used to determine current areas needing repair and predict future mechanical problems.

Assessing machinery/equipment

The organization of machinery and equipment.

Assisting with machinery/equipment procurement and management

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training

Renewable Energy - Hydroelectricity

Catalyste+’s Renewable Energy – Hydroelectricity service helps partners assess, design, procure and implement hydroelectric-based power generation solutions, which may be based on traditional generators, free flow underwater turbines, hydrokinetic river turbines, etc.

Support is available in such areas as:

Converting the energy from flowing or falling water into electrical power through various methods.

Assessing hydroelectric power generation

The analysis of a proposed project or system and its practicality considering internal resources (eg. finances) and external factors (eg. economy).

Conducting feasibility assessments/studies

An evaluation of machinery/equipment used to determine current areas needing repair and predict future mechanical problems.

Assessing machinery/equipment

The organization of machinery and equipment.

Assisting with machinery/equipment procurement and management

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training

Renewable Energy - Solar

Catalyste+’s Renewable Energy – Solar service helps partners assess, design, procure and implement solar-based power generation solutions, which may involve a variety of technologies and products such as solar panels, batteries, invertors, etc.

Support is available in such areas as:

A strategy for communities to use solar power energy resources to achieve a sustainable environment.

Assessing solar power development

The analysis of a proposed project or system and its practicality considering internal resources (eg. finances) and external factors (eg. economy).

Conducting feasibility assessments/studies

An evaluation of machinery/equipment used to determine current areas needing repair and predict future mechanical problems.

Assessing machinery/equipment

The organization of machinery and equipment.

Assisting with machinery/equipment procurement and management

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training

Renewable Energy - Wind Power

Catalyste+’s Renewable Energy – Wind service helps partners assess, design, procure and implement wind-based power generation solutions, which may involve a variety of technologies and products such as wind turbines, batteries, invertors, etc.

Support is available in such areas as:

Using kinetic energy from wind turbines to create electrical power.

Assessing wind energy generation

The analysis of a proposed project or system and its practicality considering internal resources (eg. finances) and external factors (eg. economy).

Conducting feasibility assessments/studies

An evaluation of machinery/equipment used to determine current areas needing repair and predict future mechanical problems.

Assessing machinery/equipment

The organization of machinery and equipment.

Assisting with machinery/equipment procurement and management

A set of processes or activities needed to use machinery/equipment, such as installation.

Assisting with machinery/equipment installation

The process of developing the necessary skills to independently maintain and repair specific machinery/equipment.

Providing machinery/equipment training