(Announcement) New Partnership with Matawa First Nations and RISE Asset Development

We are delighted to share that in partnership with Matawa First Nations Management and RISE Asset Development, CESO will support the community’s entrepreneurship program. Through this project, nine communities and over 300 participants will have access to business mentorship, workshops and funding. The objective of the project is to identify and catalyze economic development opportunities led by the local Matawa First Nations community.
The program is funded by the Ontario government as part of the province’s poverty reduction strategy. Read about the project here.

(Left to right: Chief Bruce Achneepineskum (Marten Falls First Nation); Chief Johnny Yellowhead (Nibinamik First Nation); Hon. Chris Ballard, Minister of Housing and Minister Responsible for the Ontario Poverty Strategy; Hon. Michael Gravelle, Minister of Northern Development & Mines; Chief Cornelius Wabasse (Webequie First Nation; Elder Ananias Spence (Webequie First Nation) | Photography provided by Matawa First Nations Management.)
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