Our Work in Quebec
For over 50 years we have worked with Indigenous communities and businesses in Quebec. We’re focused on building local capacity and connecting clients to business networks. Through our Indigenous and Northern Services program, Catalyste+ Advisors support clients to enhance their market readiness and business growth.

Available Services
- Business Planning and Development
- Strategic Planning
- Board and Governance Training
- General Management Training
- Organizational Development
- Financial Planning
- Business Assessment
- Entrepreneurship
- Human Resources
- Construction Management
Past Clients
Local Governments
Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg
Listuguj Mi’gmaq Government
Kanesatake Mohawk Council
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
Economic Development Institutions
Naskapi Development Corporation
Kahnawake Tewatohnhi’saktha Economic Development Commission
Mi’gmawei Mawiomi Business Corporation
Regional and Municipal Governments
Kativik Regional Government
Small and Medium Enterprises
Mystic Pines Golf
Depanneur et Gas Guimond
Hurricane Fuel
Ionkwanikonhriiosne Creative Sewing
Natamuh Management LP
Wejipeg Excavation
Blackned Construction
Kanesatake Health Center
Services de Santé Masko-Siwin
Community Initiatives Fund of Kahnawà:ke
Femmes Autochtones du Québec
Qarjuit Youth Council
St. Francis Xavier Mission
Onen’to:kon Healing Center

Volunteer with Catalyste+
By sharing your professional knowledge and expertise, you can make a positive difference in Canada and around the world. We’ve been successfully matching our volunteer Catalyste+ Advisors with clients and partners in over 120 countries since 1967. Our Advisors drive both economic and social change by strengthening the private sector and creating an environment for communities to thrive.
Request Our Services
A partnership with Catalyste+ is an investment in an inclusive and sustainable world. We look forward to exploring opportunities that meet your goals.